
唐中林,男,中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所研究员。1998年获华中农业大学动物科学专业学士学位,1998-2001年在广西畜牧研究所从事猪的遗传育种工作,2001年考取华中农业大学动物遗传育种专业硕博连读研究生,师从我国著名动物遗传育种专家李奎教授和彭中镇教授,2006年获得博士学位。2006-2008年在中国农业科学院畜牧兽医研究所从事博士后工作,2008年1月晋升副研究员。2008年博士后出站留所工作至今,2014年1月晋升研究员。现兼任《Frontiers in bioscience》执行编委、《American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences》编委、“广西家畜遗传改良重点实验室”学术委员会副主任和“珍稀濒危动植物生态与环境保护省部共建教育部重点实验室”客座研究员。
学术成绩:承担国家级科研项目10余项,其中主持国家自然科学基金3项、中国博士后科学基金1项(一等资助)、863重点项目子课题2项、973项目子课题2项,转基因重大专项子课题2项。参加国家自然科学基金重点项目2项、欧盟第六框架合作项目1项目。获得国家技术发明二等奖(第四完成人)和广西区科技进步三等奖各1项,获得国家发明专利11项,国际发明专利1项,其中以第一发明人获得国家发明专利3项。发表研究论文105篇,其中SCI论文44篇,累计影响因子98.97,SCI论文被他引276次。其中以第一和通讯作者在《Genome Biology》、《Journal of Biological Chemistry》和《PLoS one》等刊物发表SCI论文16篇, 累计影响因子50.77,被引166次。是《Genome Biology》、《PLoS One》、《International Journal of Biological Sciences》、《DNA and Cell Biology》、《Molecular Biology Report》、 《Journal of Genetics and Genomics》、《畜牧兽医学报》和《生命的化学》等刊物审稿人。
1. Zhonglin Tang, Yong Li, Ping Wan, Xiaoping Li, Shuhong Zhao, Bang Liu, Bin Fan, Mengjin Zhu, Mei Yu, Kui Li. LongSAGE analysis of skeletal muscle at three prenatal stages in Tongcheng and Landrace pigs. Genome Biology. 2007.8(6):R115
2. Jing Zhang, Zhengzhou Ying, zhonglin Tang*, Liangqi Long, Kui Li.MicroRNA-148a promotes myogenic differentiation by targeting the ROCK1. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2012,287 ( 25 ): 21093-101
3. Songbai Yang, Xiuling Li, Ku Li, Bin Fan, Zhonglin Tang*.A genome-wide scan for signatures of selection in Chinese indigenous and commercial pig breeds, BMC Genetics. 2014,15:7 doi:10.1186/1471-2156-15-7 (通讯作者)
4. Zhonglin Tang, Ruyi Liang, Shuanping Zhao, Ruiqi Wang, Ruihua Huang, Kui Li.CNN3 is regulated by microRNA-1 during muscle development in pigs. International Journal of Biological Sciences. 2014; 10(4):377-385.
5. Yuan J, Tang Z*, Yang S, Li K.CRABP2 promotes myoblast differentiation and is modulated by the transcription factors MyoD and Sp1 in C2C12 cells. PLoS One. 2013;8(1):e55479. (通讯作者)
6. Hou X, Tang Z*, Liu H, Wang N, Ju H, Li K. Discovery of microRNAs Associated with Myogenesis by Deep Sequencing of Serial Developmental Skeletal Muscles in Pigs. PLoS One. 2012;7(12):e52123. (通讯作者)
7. Zhonglin Tang, Xin Ju Zhang, Shu Lin Yang, Yu Lian Mu, Wen Tao Cui, Hong Ao, Kui Li*. The chromosomal localization, expression pattern and polymorphism analysis of porcine FSCN1 gene differently expressed from LongSAGE library. Mol Biol Rep. 2010,37(5):2361–2367
8. Shuanping Zhao, Jing Zhang, Xinhua Hou, Linsen Zan, Ning Wang, Zhonglin Tang*, Kui Li. OLFML3 was Involved in Prenatal Muscle Development and Regulated by MicroRNA-155 at mRNA level in Pigs. International Journal of Biological Sciences.2012;8(4):459-469.(通讯作者)
9. Xishan Ma,Zhonglin Tang*,Ning Wang,Shuanping Zhao,Ruiqi Wang,Lin Tan,Yulian Mu,Kui Li. Identification of Extracellular Matrix and Cell Adhesion Molecule Genes Associated with Muscle Development in Pigs.DNA and Cell Biology.2011.30(7):469–479 (通讯作者)
10. Shuanping Zhao, Yongzhen Zhao, Pengxia Niu, Ning Wang, Zhonglin Tang*, Linsen Zan, Kui Li.Molecular Characterization of Porcine MMP19 and MMP23B Genes and Its Association with Immune Traits. International Journal of Biological Sciences. 2011; 7(7):1101-1113 (通讯作者)
学术成绩:承担国家级科研项目10余项,其中主持国家自然科学基金3项、中国博士后科学基金1项(一等资助)、863重点项目子课题2项、973项目子课题2项,转基因重大专项子课题2项。参加国家自然科学基金重点项目2项、欧盟第六框架合作项目1项目。获得国家技术发明二等奖(第四完成人)和广西区科技进步三等奖各1项,获得国家发明专利11项,国际发明专利1项,其中以第一发明人获得国家发明专利3项。发表研究论文105篇,其中SCI论文44篇,累计影响因子98.97,SCI论文被他引276次。其中以第一和通讯作者在《Genome Biology》、《Journal of Biological Chemistry》和《PLoS one》等刊物发表SCI论文16篇, 累计影响因子50.77,被引166次。是《Genome Biology》、《PLoS One》、《International Journal of Biological Sciences》、《DNA and Cell Biology》、《Molecular Biology Report》、 《Journal of Genetics and Genomics》、《畜牧兽医学报》和《生命的化学》等刊物审稿人。
1. Zhonglin Tang, Yong Li, Ping Wan, Xiaoping Li, Shuhong Zhao, Bang Liu, Bin Fan, Mengjin Zhu, Mei Yu, Kui Li. LongSAGE analysis of skeletal muscle at three prenatal stages in Tongcheng and Landrace pigs. Genome Biology. 2007.8(6):R115
2. Jing Zhang, Zhengzhou Ying, zhonglin Tang*, Liangqi Long, Kui Li.MicroRNA-148a promotes myogenic differentiation by targeting the ROCK1. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2012,287 ( 25 ): 21093-101
3. Songbai Yang, Xiuling Li, Ku Li, Bin Fan, Zhonglin Tang*.A genome-wide scan for signatures of selection in Chinese indigenous and commercial pig breeds, BMC Genetics. 2014,15:7 doi:10.1186/1471-2156-15-7 (通讯作者)
4. Zhonglin Tang, Ruyi Liang, Shuanping Zhao, Ruiqi Wang, Ruihua Huang, Kui Li.CNN3 is regulated by microRNA-1 during muscle development in pigs. International Journal of Biological Sciences. 2014; 10(4):377-385.
5. Yuan J, Tang Z*, Yang S, Li K.CRABP2 promotes myoblast differentiation and is modulated by the transcription factors MyoD and Sp1 in C2C12 cells. PLoS One. 2013;8(1):e55479. (通讯作者)
6. Hou X, Tang Z*, Liu H, Wang N, Ju H, Li K. Discovery of microRNAs Associated with Myogenesis by Deep Sequencing of Serial Developmental Skeletal Muscles in Pigs. PLoS One. 2012;7(12):e52123. (通讯作者)
7. Zhonglin Tang, Xin Ju Zhang, Shu Lin Yang, Yu Lian Mu, Wen Tao Cui, Hong Ao, Kui Li*. The chromosomal localization, expression pattern and polymorphism analysis of porcine FSCN1 gene differently expressed from LongSAGE library. Mol Biol Rep. 2010,37(5):2361–2367
8. Shuanping Zhao, Jing Zhang, Xinhua Hou, Linsen Zan, Ning Wang, Zhonglin Tang*, Kui Li. OLFML3 was Involved in Prenatal Muscle Development and Regulated by MicroRNA-155 at mRNA level in Pigs. International Journal of Biological Sciences.2012;8(4):459-469.(通讯作者)
9. Xishan Ma,Zhonglin Tang*,Ning Wang,Shuanping Zhao,Ruiqi Wang,Lin Tan,Yulian Mu,Kui Li. Identification of Extracellular Matrix and Cell Adhesion Molecule Genes Associated with Muscle Development in Pigs.DNA and Cell Biology.2011.30(7):469–479 (通讯作者)
10. Shuanping Zhao, Yongzhen Zhao, Pengxia Niu, Ning Wang, Zhonglin Tang*, Linsen Zan, Kui Li.Molecular Characterization of Porcine MMP19 and MMP23B Genes and Its Association with Immune Traits. International Journal of Biological Sciences. 2011; 7(7):1101-1113 (通讯作者)