
贾万忠,男,1964年7月出生,博士学位,研究员,硕士生导师。1985年,毕业于甘肃农业大学,获农学学士学位。1985年至今,在中国农业科学院兰州兽医研究所工作。1996年获甘肃农业大学预防兽医学硕士学位;2003年获中国农业科学院研究生院预防兽医学博士学位;2004年-2007年在中山大学博士后流动站学习工作。主要从事动物绦虫蚴病(主要包括棘球蚴病、多头蚴病等)、绦虫病和吸虫病等研究及动物结核分枝杆菌病研究。先后主持、承担和参加973计划、国家科技支撑计划项目、国际科学基金项目、国家自然科学基金项目、公益性行业(农业)科研专项、农业部行业标准项目等。所取得的主要成就有:出版著作一部《甘肃省畜禽寄生虫名录》,主编,甘肃科学技术出版社出版(13.7万字)。组织编写的《绦虫学》专著(约150万字),军事医学科学出版社,预计近期出版。主持制定了农业行业标准《动物棘球蚴病诊断技术》(NY/T 1466-2007,已发布实施),为我国棘球蚴病活畜的出入境检疫、动物生前诊断和流行病学调查提供了技术指导和技术支撑。获得发明专利2项,申报发明专利4项。在中文核心期刊上发表论文100多篇,其中第一作者或/和通讯作者20余篇;在SCI期刊上发表论文 10篇,其中第一作者或/和通讯作者6篇。
1. Jia WZ, Yan HB, Guo AJ, Zhu XQ, Wang YC, Shi WG, Chen HT, Zhan F, Zhang SH, Fu BQ, Littlewood DTJ, Cai XP. (2010) Complete mitochondrial genomes of Taenia multiceps, T. hydatigena and T. pisiformis: additional molecular markers for a tapeworm genus of human and animal health significance. BMC Genomics, 11: 447.
2. Jia WZ, Yan HB, Lou ZZ, Ni XW, Dyachenko V, Li HM, Littlewood DTJ. (2012) Mitochondrial genes and genomes support a cryptic species of tapeworm within Taenia taeniaeformis. Acta Tropica, 123(3): 154-163.
3. Guo AJ, Liu K, Gong W, Yan HB, Zhao SB, Luo XN, Hu SN, Jia WZ. (2012) Molecular identification of Diphyllobothrium latum and a brief review of Diphyllobothriosis in China. Helminthologia, 57(3): 293-296. (Corresponding author)
4. Jia WZ, Yan HB, Ni XW, Lou ZZ, Cao P, Cai XP. (2012) Advances in the study of helminth mitochondrial genomes and their associated applications. Chinese Science Bulletin 57(1): 54-67. (Corresponding author)
5. Jia WZ, Yan HB, Lou ZZ, Ni XW, Liu HX, Li HM, Guo AJ, Fu BQ. (2011) Genetic variation of the 8-kDa glycoprotein family from Echinococcus granulosus, Taenia multiceps and Taenia hydatigena. Chinese Medical Journal, 124(18): 2849-2856.
6. Jia WZ, Li Z, Lun ZR. (2008) Discoveries and functions of virus-encoded MicroRNAs. Chinese Science Bulletin, 53 (2): 169-177.
电话:0931-8312212 13893100067
1. Jia WZ, Yan HB, Guo AJ, Zhu XQ, Wang YC, Shi WG, Chen HT, Zhan F, Zhang SH, Fu BQ, Littlewood DTJ, Cai XP. (2010) Complete mitochondrial genomes of Taenia multiceps, T. hydatigena and T. pisiformis: additional molecular markers for a tapeworm genus of human and animal health significance. BMC Genomics, 11: 447.
2. Jia WZ, Yan HB, Lou ZZ, Ni XW, Dyachenko V, Li HM, Littlewood DTJ. (2012) Mitochondrial genes and genomes support a cryptic species of tapeworm within Taenia taeniaeformis. Acta Tropica, 123(3): 154-163.
3. Guo AJ, Liu K, Gong W, Yan HB, Zhao SB, Luo XN, Hu SN, Jia WZ. (2012) Molecular identification of Diphyllobothrium latum and a brief review of Diphyllobothriosis in China. Helminthologia, 57(3): 293-296. (Corresponding author)
4. Jia WZ, Yan HB, Ni XW, Lou ZZ, Cao P, Cai XP. (2012) Advances in the study of helminth mitochondrial genomes and their associated applications. Chinese Science Bulletin 57(1): 54-67. (Corresponding author)
5. Jia WZ, Yan HB, Lou ZZ, Ni XW, Liu HX, Li HM, Guo AJ, Fu BQ. (2011) Genetic variation of the 8-kDa glycoprotein family from Echinococcus granulosus, Taenia multiceps and Taenia hydatigena. Chinese Medical Journal, 124(18): 2849-2856.
6. Jia WZ, Li Z, Lun ZR. (2008) Discoveries and functions of virus-encoded MicroRNAs. Chinese Science Bulletin, 53 (2): 169-177.
电话:0931-8312212 13893100067