
目前主持项目包括2010年甘肃省高层次人才创新创业扶持行动项目1项(200万元)、中国农业科学院2010年院本级科研业务费项目1项(16万元)、2012年国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(23万)和2012年人社部留学人员科技活动项目(启动类,3万)。2004-2007年参与973国家重大基础研究和国家科技攻关课题3项。其研究成果先后发表于PNAS、J Virol.、J Clin. Virol.和 J. Biol. Chem. 等国际著名期刊,ScienceDaily、ScienceNews和BIOONNEWS等多家媒体做过报道。
1. Zhu Q., Yang H., Chen W., Cao W., Zhong G., Chen H., et al. Naturally occurred deletion in NS gene contributes to the attenuation of an H5N1 swine influenza virus in Chickens. J Virol., 2008, 82(1): 220-228. (IF=5.13)
2. Xu C., Zhu Q., Yang H., Chen H., et al. Two genotypes of H1N2 swine influenza viruses appeared among pigs in China. Journal of Clinical Virology, 2009, 46(2):192-195. (IF=3.46)
3. Zhu Q., Zarnitsyn V.G., Ye L., Compans R.W., et al. Immunization by vaccine-coated microneedle arrays protects against lethal influenza virus challenge. PNAS, 2009, 106(19):7968-7973. (IF=9.38)
4. Mirza A.M., Aguilar H.C., Zhu Q., et al. triggering of the Newcastle disease virus fusion protein by a chimeric attachment protein that binds to nipah virus receptor. J. Biol Chem. 2011, 286(20):17851-17860. (IF=5.46)
5. Shinya K., Gao Y., Cilloniz C., Suzuki Y., Fujie M., Deng G., Zhu Q., et al. Integrated clinical, pathologic, virologic, and transcriptomic analysis of H5N1 influenza virus-induced viral pneumonia in the rhesus macaque. J Virol., 2012, 86(11):6055-6066. (IF=5.13)
6. Zhu Q., Biering S.B., Mirza A.M., Grasseschi B.A., Mahon P.J., Lee B., Aguilar H.C., Iorio R.M.. Individual N-glycans added at intervals along the stalk of the Nipah virus G protein prevent fusion, but do not block the interaction with the homologous F protein. J. Virol., 2013, Jan. 2. [Epub ahead of print].
目前主持项目包括2010年甘肃省高层次人才创新创业扶持行动项目1项(200万元)、中国农业科学院2010年院本级科研业务费项目1项(16万元)、2012年国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(23万)和2012年人社部留学人员科技活动项目(启动类,3万)。2004-2007年参与973国家重大基础研究和国家科技攻关课题3项。其研究成果先后发表于PNAS、J Virol.、J Clin. Virol.和 J. Biol. Chem. 等国际著名期刊,ScienceDaily、ScienceNews和BIOONNEWS等多家媒体做过报道。
1. Zhu Q., Yang H., Chen W., Cao W., Zhong G., Chen H., et al. Naturally occurred deletion in NS gene contributes to the attenuation of an H5N1 swine influenza virus in Chickens. J Virol., 2008, 82(1): 220-228. (IF=5.13)
2. Xu C., Zhu Q., Yang H., Chen H., et al. Two genotypes of H1N2 swine influenza viruses appeared among pigs in China. Journal of Clinical Virology, 2009, 46(2):192-195. (IF=3.46)
3. Zhu Q., Zarnitsyn V.G., Ye L., Compans R.W., et al. Immunization by vaccine-coated microneedle arrays protects against lethal influenza virus challenge. PNAS, 2009, 106(19):7968-7973. (IF=9.38)
4. Mirza A.M., Aguilar H.C., Zhu Q., et al. triggering of the Newcastle disease virus fusion protein by a chimeric attachment protein that binds to nipah virus receptor. J. Biol Chem. 2011, 286(20):17851-17860. (IF=5.46)
5. Shinya K., Gao Y., Cilloniz C., Suzuki Y., Fujie M., Deng G., Zhu Q., et al. Integrated clinical, pathologic, virologic, and transcriptomic analysis of H5N1 influenza virus-induced viral pneumonia in the rhesus macaque. J Virol., 2012, 86(11):6055-6066. (IF=5.13)
6. Zhu Q., Biering S.B., Mirza A.M., Grasseschi B.A., Mahon P.J., Lee B., Aguilar H.C., Iorio R.M.. Individual N-glycans added at intervals along the stalk of the Nipah virus G protein prevent fusion, but do not block the interaction with the homologous F protein. J. Virol., 2013, Jan. 2. [Epub ahead of print].