
1、一种油菜蜂花粉提取物及其应用,专利号ZL 2010102957917
2、蜂花粉超临界二氧化碳破壁方法,专利号ZL 2008100078551
3、油菜蜂花粉有效部位在预防酒精性肝损伤的新用途,专利号ZL 2008100078532
4、具有生物活性的水溶性蜂胶提取物和浅色蜂胶提取物,专利号ZL 2007101111891/5、
5、一种富含花粉活性肽的抗氧化酶解物,专利号ZL 2007100977153
6、超临界流体萃取蜂花粉油脂的方法,专利号ZL 2006100838724/
7、蜂花粉软胶囊及其制备方法,专利号ZL 2006100838705
1.Influence of Storage Temperature on Lipid Oxidation Stale Flavor Formation And Discoloration In Lotus(Nelumbo Nucifera) Bee Pollen Journal of Food Processing and Preservation,2013,1745-4549:171-178
2.Cytotoxicity of melittin and apamin in human hepatic L02 and HepG2 cells in vitro J. Toxicol. Toxin. Rev., 2013; 32(4): 60–67
3.Chrysin- A Histone Deacetylase 8 Inhibitor with Anticancer Activity and a Suitable Candidate for the Standardization of Chinese Propolis Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2012, 60(36), 11748-11758
4.Simultaneous determination of four nucleosides in bee pollens of various floral origin by HPLC-UV detector Analytical Methods, 2012,4(11), 3792-3797
5.Free and esterified triterpene alcohol composition of bee pollen from different botanical origins Food Research International, 2012,48(2), 650-656