
研究方向: 土壤-植物-大气系统模拟;作物基因×环境×管理交互作用;气候变化对农业的影响和适应机理;
1. He, Y., Hou, L.L, Wang, H., Hu, K., McConkey, B. 2014. A modelling approach to evaluate the long-term effect of soil texture on spring wheat productivity under a rain-fed condition. Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group).
2. He, Y., Wei, Y, DePauw, R., Qian, B, Lemke, R, Singh, A, Cuthbert, R, McConkey, B, Wang, H. 2013. Spring wheat yield in the semiarid Canadian prairies: effects of precipitation timing and soil texture over recent 30 years. Field Crops Research, 149: 329–337.
3. He, Y., Hu, K., Wang, H., Huang, Y.F., Chen, D., Li, B.G., Li, Y. 2013. Modeling of water and nitrogen utilization of layered soil profiles under a wheat–maize cropping system. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 58: 596–605.
4. He, Y., Wang, H., Qian, B., McConkey, B., DePauw, R. 2012. How early can the seeding dates of spring wheat be under current and future climate in Saskatchewan,Canada? PLoS ONE, 7(10): e45153.
5. He, Y., Wang, H., Qian, B., McConkey, B., Cutforth, H., Lemke, R., DePauw, R., Brandt, K., McCaig, T., Hu, K., Hoogenboom, G. 2012. Effects of climate change on killing frost in the Canadian prairies. Climate Research, 54: 221–231.