
马义兵,男,1957年生,博士(澳大利亚La Trobe 大学),研究员,博士生导师。国家土壤肥力和肥料效益监测站网主任;亚洲环境重金属研究中心主任;《生态毒理学报》(Asian Journal of Ecotoxicology)编委;中国农村专业技术协会第三届理事会专家委员会副主任委员;国际痕量元素生物地球化学委员会委员;世界环境毒理与化学学会科学委员会委员;农业部农业环境和气候变化重点实验室学术委员会委员;中国科学院土壤环境与污染修复重点实验室学术委员会委员。中国土壤学会理事。公益性农业行业科研专项“主要农产品产地土壤重金属污染阈值研究与防控技术集成示范”项目首席科学家。澳大利亚联邦科学和工业研究组织(CSIRO)高级研究科学家。1978-1981年在北京农业大学学习。1982-1992,在北京农业大学工作,历任,助教,讲师,副教授,土壤和土地资源系副主任,农业部土壤和水重点实验室副主任。1997-2002,在澳大利亚 DEBCO 集团总公司研究开发部工作,主要从事固体废弃物的利用和管理,植物生长基质和新肥料产品的研制。2002起在澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织(CSIRO)土地和水研究所工作,主要从事土壤重金属环境风险评价和治理。2004年起,在中国农科院农业资源和农业区划研究所工作,主要从事土壤中重金属的形态,有效性/毒害,及其可预测性模型研究;土壤重金属环境风险评价和治理;新型肥料和施肥技术;固体废弃物(污泥和园林垃圾)的利用和管理。
(1) Kirby JK, McLaughlin MJ, Ma YB, Ajiboye B (2012) Aging Effects on Molybdate Lability in Soils. Chemosphere (accepted)
(2) Li Q, Li JM, Cui XL, Wei DP, Ma YB (2012) On-farm assessment of biosolids effects on soil nitrogen and phosphorus. Journal of Integrative Agriculture (formerly Agricultural Sciences in China (accepted)
(3) Li Q, Guo XY, Xu XH, Zuo YB, Wei DP, Ma YB (2012) Phytoavailability of copper, zinc, and cadmium in biosolid-amended calcareous soils. Pedosphere 22: 254-262
(4) Li JM, Gao JS, Liu J, Xu MG, Ma YB (2012) A predictive model for phosphorus accumulation in paddy soils with long-term inorganic fertilization. Commun Soil Sci Plant Anal 43(13): 1823-1832
(5) Tang X, Ellert BH, Hao XY, Ma YB, Nakonechny E, Li JM (2012) Temporal changes in soil organic carbon contents and δ13C values under long-term maize–wheat rotation systems with various soil and climate. Geoderma 183-184: 67–73
(6) Smolders E, Oorts K, Lombi E, Schoeters I, Ma YB, Sharyn Zrna S, McLaughlin MJ (2012) The Availability of copper in soils historically amended with sewage sludge, manure, and compost. J Environ Qual 41: 506–514
(7) Wang XD, Hua L, Ma YB (2012) A biotic ligand model predicting acute copper toxicity for barley (Hordeum vulgare): Influence of calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and pH. Chemosphere 89: 89-95
(8) Wang M, Chen L, Chen SB, Ma YB (2012) Alleviation of cadmium-induced root growth inhibition in crop seedlings by nanoparticles. Ecotox Environ Saf 79: 48–54
(9) Li B, Zhang HT, Ma YB, McLaughlin MJ (2011) Influences of soil properties and leaching on nickel toxicity to barley root elongation. Ecotox Environ Saf 74: 459-466
(10) Chen SB, Ma YB, Lombi E, McLaughlin MJ. Application of Cu-65 dilution techniques fro assessing L and E- values for Cu in long-term biosolid applied soils. Acta Chimica Sinica 2011, 69: 459-465
(11) Luo L, Ma CY, Ma YB, Zhang SZ, Cui MQ (2011) Sorption mechanism of cadmium by red mud. Environ Pollut 159: 1108-1113
(12) Tang X, Shi XJ, Ma YB, Hao XY (2011) Phosphorus efficiency in a long-term wheat-rice cropping system in China. J Agric Sci 149: 297-304
(13) Huang SM, Ma YB, Bao DJ, Guo DD, Zhang SQ (2011) Manures behave similar to superphosphate in phosphorus accumulation in long-term field soils. Int J Plant Prod 5: 135-146
(14) Yang JX, Wang LQ, Wei DP, Chen SB, Ma YB (2011) Foliar spraying and seed soaking of zinc fertilizers decreased cadmium accumulation in cucumber grown in Cd-contaminated soils. Soil Sed Contam 20: 400-410
(15) Wang P, De Schamphelaere KAC, Zhao FJ, Kopittke PM, Zhou DM, Lock K, Ma YB, Peijnenburg WJGM, McGrath SP (2011) Evaluation of an electrostatic toxicity model for predicting Ni2+ toxicity to barley root elongation in hydroponic cultures and in soils. New Phytologist 192: 414-427
(16) Wang YC, Wang E, Wang DL, Huang SM, Ma YB, Smith CJ, Wang LG (2010) Crop productivity and nutrient use efficiency as affected by long-term fertilisation in North China Plain. Nutr Cycl Agroecosyst 86: 105-119
(17) Chen SB, Ma YB, Chen Y, Wang LQ, Guo HT (2010) Comparison of Pb (II) immobilized by bone char meal and phosphate rock: characterization and kinetic study. Arch Environ Con Tox 50: 24-32.
(18) Guo XY, Ma YB, Wang XD, Chen SB (2010) Re-evaluating the effects of organic ligands on copper toxicity to barley root elongation in culture solution. Chem Spec Bioavail 22: 51-59
(19) Guo XY, Luo L, Ma YB, Zhang SZ (2010) Sorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on particulate organic matters. J Hazard Mater 173: 130-136
(20) Li XF, Sun JW, Qiao M, Ma YB, Zhu YG (2010) Copper toxicity thresholds in Chinese soils based on substrate-induced nitrification assay. Environ Toxicol Chem 29: 294-300
(21) Li B, Ma YB, McLaughlin MJ, Kirby J, Cozens G, Liu JF (2010) Influences of soil properties and leaching on copper toxicity to barley root elongation. Environ Toxicol Chem 29: 835-842
(22) Li XF Huang YZ, Ma YB, Sun JW, Cui HJ (2010) Leaching impacts Ni toxicity threshold differently among soils but increases its predictability according to nitrification assay. J Soils Sed 10: 579-589
(23) Chen SB, Ma YB, Chen L, Huang YZ, Xiao K (2010) Adsorption of aqueous Cd2+, Pb2+, Cu2+ ions by nano-hydroxyapatite: Single- and multi-metal competitive adsorption study. Geochem. J. 44: 233-239
(24) Liu J, Liu H, Huang SM, Yang XY, Wang BR, Li XY, Ma YB (2010) Nitrogen efficiency in long term wheat-maize cropping systems under diverse field sites in China. Field Crops Res 118: 145-151
(25) Guo X, Zuo YB, Wang BR, Li JM, Ma YB (2010) Toxicity and accumulation of copper and nickel in maize plants cropped on calcareous and acidic field soils. Plant Soil 333: 365-373
(26) Yang JX, Guo HT, Ma YB, Wang LQ, Wei DP, Hua L (2010) Genotypic variations in the accumulation of Cd exhibited by different vegetables. J Environ Sci 22: 1246-1252
(27) Wang XD, Li B, Ma YB, Hua L (2010) Development of a biotic ligand model for acute zinc toxicity to barley root elongation. Ecotox Environ Saf 73: 1272-1278
(28) Wendling, L.A., Y.B. Ma, J. K. Kirby, M. J. McLaughlin 2009. A Predictive Model of the Effects of Aging on Cobalt Fate and Behavior in Soil. Environ. Sci. & Technol. 43: 135-141.
(29) Nolan, A. L., Y. B. Ma, E. Lombi, M. J. McLaughlin 2009. Speciation and isotopic exchangeability of Ni in soil solution. Journal of Environmental Quality 38: 485–492.
(30) Chen, S. B., Y. B. Ma, Y. Z. Huang 2009. Can phosphate compounds be used to reduce the plant uptake of Pb and resist the Pb stress in Pb-contaminated soils? Journal of Environmental Sciences 21: 360-365.
(31) Ma, Y. B., J. M. Li, X. Y. Li, X. Tang, Y. C. Liang, S. M. Huang, B. R. Wang, H. Liu, X. Yang 2009. Phosphorus accumulation and depletion in soils in wheat-maize cropping systems: modeling and validation. Field Crops Research 110: 207-212.
(32) Wang, X. D., Y. B. Ma, L. Hua, M. J. McLaughlin 2009. Identification of Cu(OH)+ toxicity to barley root elongation in solution culture. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28: 662-667.
(33) Lei Luo, Yibing Ma, Shuzhen Zhang, Dongpu Wei, Yongguan Zhu 2009. An inventory of heavy metal inputs to agricultural soils in China. Journal of Environmental Management 90: 2524-2530.
(34) Bo Li, Xuan Zhang, Xuedong Wang, Yibing Ma 2009. Refining a biotic ligand model for nickel toxicity to barley root elongation in solution culture. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 72: 1760-1766.
(35) Shi-Wei Zhou, Yi-Bing Ma, Ming-Gang Xu 2009. Ageing of added copper in bentonite without and with humic acid. Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability 21(3): 175-184.
(36) Xu Tang, Yibing Ma, Xiying Hao, Xiuying Li, Jumei Li, Shaomin Huang, Xueyun Yang 2009. Determining critical values of soil Olsen-P for crop yields using long-term experiments under various soil and climate conditions in China. Plant and Soil 323: 143-151
(37) Zhao LP, Ma YB, Liang GQ, Li ST, Wu LS (2009) Phosphorus efficacy in four Chinese long-term experiments with different soil properties and climate characteristics. Commun Soil Sci Plant Anal 40: 3121-3138
电话:010 8210 6201
传真:010 8210 6225
(1) Kirby JK, McLaughlin MJ, Ma YB, Ajiboye B (2012) Aging Effects on Molybdate Lability in Soils. Chemosphere (accepted)
(2) Li Q, Li JM, Cui XL, Wei DP, Ma YB (2012) On-farm assessment of biosolids effects on soil nitrogen and phosphorus. Journal of Integrative Agriculture (formerly Agricultural Sciences in China (accepted)
(3) Li Q, Guo XY, Xu XH, Zuo YB, Wei DP, Ma YB (2012) Phytoavailability of copper, zinc, and cadmium in biosolid-amended calcareous soils. Pedosphere 22: 254-262
(4) Li JM, Gao JS, Liu J, Xu MG, Ma YB (2012) A predictive model for phosphorus accumulation in paddy soils with long-term inorganic fertilization. Commun Soil Sci Plant Anal 43(13): 1823-1832
(5) Tang X, Ellert BH, Hao XY, Ma YB, Nakonechny E, Li JM (2012) Temporal changes in soil organic carbon contents and δ13C values under long-term maize–wheat rotation systems with various soil and climate. Geoderma 183-184: 67–73
(6) Smolders E, Oorts K, Lombi E, Schoeters I, Ma YB, Sharyn Zrna S, McLaughlin MJ (2012) The Availability of copper in soils historically amended with sewage sludge, manure, and compost. J Environ Qual 41: 506–514
(7) Wang XD, Hua L, Ma YB (2012) A biotic ligand model predicting acute copper toxicity for barley (Hordeum vulgare): Influence of calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and pH. Chemosphere 89: 89-95
(8) Wang M, Chen L, Chen SB, Ma YB (2012) Alleviation of cadmium-induced root growth inhibition in crop seedlings by nanoparticles. Ecotox Environ Saf 79: 48–54
(9) Li B, Zhang HT, Ma YB, McLaughlin MJ (2011) Influences of soil properties and leaching on nickel toxicity to barley root elongation. Ecotox Environ Saf 74: 459-466
(10) Chen SB, Ma YB, Lombi E, McLaughlin MJ. Application of Cu-65 dilution techniques fro assessing L and E- values for Cu in long-term biosolid applied soils. Acta Chimica Sinica 2011, 69: 459-465
(11) Luo L, Ma CY, Ma YB, Zhang SZ, Cui MQ (2011) Sorption mechanism of cadmium by red mud. Environ Pollut 159: 1108-1113
(12) Tang X, Shi XJ, Ma YB, Hao XY (2011) Phosphorus efficiency in a long-term wheat-rice cropping system in China. J Agric Sci 149: 297-304
(13) Huang SM, Ma YB, Bao DJ, Guo DD, Zhang SQ (2011) Manures behave similar to superphosphate in phosphorus accumulation in long-term field soils. Int J Plant Prod 5: 135-146
(14) Yang JX, Wang LQ, Wei DP, Chen SB, Ma YB (2011) Foliar spraying and seed soaking of zinc fertilizers decreased cadmium accumulation in cucumber grown in Cd-contaminated soils. Soil Sed Contam 20: 400-410
(15) Wang P, De Schamphelaere KAC, Zhao FJ, Kopittke PM, Zhou DM, Lock K, Ma YB, Peijnenburg WJGM, McGrath SP (2011) Evaluation of an electrostatic toxicity model for predicting Ni2+ toxicity to barley root elongation in hydroponic cultures and in soils. New Phytologist 192: 414-427
(16) Wang YC, Wang E, Wang DL, Huang SM, Ma YB, Smith CJ, Wang LG (2010) Crop productivity and nutrient use efficiency as affected by long-term fertilisation in North China Plain. Nutr Cycl Agroecosyst 86: 105-119
(17) Chen SB, Ma YB, Chen Y, Wang LQ, Guo HT (2010) Comparison of Pb (II) immobilized by bone char meal and phosphate rock: characterization and kinetic study. Arch Environ Con Tox 50: 24-32.
(18) Guo XY, Ma YB, Wang XD, Chen SB (2010) Re-evaluating the effects of organic ligands on copper toxicity to barley root elongation in culture solution. Chem Spec Bioavail 22: 51-59
(19) Guo XY, Luo L, Ma YB, Zhang SZ (2010) Sorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on particulate organic matters. J Hazard Mater 173: 130-136
(20) Li XF, Sun JW, Qiao M, Ma YB, Zhu YG (2010) Copper toxicity thresholds in Chinese soils based on substrate-induced nitrification assay. Environ Toxicol Chem 29: 294-300
(21) Li B, Ma YB, McLaughlin MJ, Kirby J, Cozens G, Liu JF (2010) Influences of soil properties and leaching on copper toxicity to barley root elongation. Environ Toxicol Chem 29: 835-842
(22) Li XF Huang YZ, Ma YB, Sun JW, Cui HJ (2010) Leaching impacts Ni toxicity threshold differently among soils but increases its predictability according to nitrification assay. J Soils Sed 10: 579-589
(23) Chen SB, Ma YB, Chen L, Huang YZ, Xiao K (2010) Adsorption of aqueous Cd2+, Pb2+, Cu2+ ions by nano-hydroxyapatite: Single- and multi-metal competitive adsorption study. Geochem. J. 44: 233-239
(24) Liu J, Liu H, Huang SM, Yang XY, Wang BR, Li XY, Ma YB (2010) Nitrogen efficiency in long term wheat-maize cropping systems under diverse field sites in China. Field Crops Res 118: 145-151
(25) Guo X, Zuo YB, Wang BR, Li JM, Ma YB (2010) Toxicity and accumulation of copper and nickel in maize plants cropped on calcareous and acidic field soils. Plant Soil 333: 365-373
(26) Yang JX, Guo HT, Ma YB, Wang LQ, Wei DP, Hua L (2010) Genotypic variations in the accumulation of Cd exhibited by different vegetables. J Environ Sci 22: 1246-1252
(27) Wang XD, Li B, Ma YB, Hua L (2010) Development of a biotic ligand model for acute zinc toxicity to barley root elongation. Ecotox Environ Saf 73: 1272-1278
(28) Wendling, L.A., Y.B. Ma, J. K. Kirby, M. J. McLaughlin 2009. A Predictive Model of the Effects of Aging on Cobalt Fate and Behavior in Soil. Environ. Sci. & Technol. 43: 135-141.
(29) Nolan, A. L., Y. B. Ma, E. Lombi, M. J. McLaughlin 2009. Speciation and isotopic exchangeability of Ni in soil solution. Journal of Environmental Quality 38: 485–492.
(30) Chen, S. B., Y. B. Ma, Y. Z. Huang 2009. Can phosphate compounds be used to reduce the plant uptake of Pb and resist the Pb stress in Pb-contaminated soils? Journal of Environmental Sciences 21: 360-365.
(31) Ma, Y. B., J. M. Li, X. Y. Li, X. Tang, Y. C. Liang, S. M. Huang, B. R. Wang, H. Liu, X. Yang 2009. Phosphorus accumulation and depletion in soils in wheat-maize cropping systems: modeling and validation. Field Crops Research 110: 207-212.
(32) Wang, X. D., Y. B. Ma, L. Hua, M. J. McLaughlin 2009. Identification of Cu(OH)+ toxicity to barley root elongation in solution culture. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28: 662-667.
(33) Lei Luo, Yibing Ma, Shuzhen Zhang, Dongpu Wei, Yongguan Zhu 2009. An inventory of heavy metal inputs to agricultural soils in China. Journal of Environmental Management 90: 2524-2530.
(34) Bo Li, Xuan Zhang, Xuedong Wang, Yibing Ma 2009. Refining a biotic ligand model for nickel toxicity to barley root elongation in solution culture. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 72: 1760-1766.
(35) Shi-Wei Zhou, Yi-Bing Ma, Ming-Gang Xu 2009. Ageing of added copper in bentonite without and with humic acid. Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability 21(3): 175-184.
(36) Xu Tang, Yibing Ma, Xiying Hao, Xiuying Li, Jumei Li, Shaomin Huang, Xueyun Yang 2009. Determining critical values of soil Olsen-P for crop yields using long-term experiments under various soil and climate conditions in China. Plant and Soil 323: 143-151
(37) Zhao LP, Ma YB, Liang GQ, Li ST, Wu LS (2009) Phosphorus efficacy in four Chinese long-term experiments with different soil properties and climate characteristics. Commun Soil Sci Plant Anal 40: 3121-3138
电话:010 8210 6201
传真:010 8210 6225