
先后主持和参加各类国家和国际合作项目32项目。包括主持国家基金委面上基金4项和重大国际合作项目课题1项,国家科技部“863”重大项目课题1项,“973”项目课题1项,支撑项目课题1项,国家基金委中德中心中德土壤与环境联合实验室、欧盟项目(FP7, Asia-Link)、德国科学基金会(DFG)、英国皇家协会(RS)、国际原子能结构(IAEA)、国国际科学基金(IFS)等国际合作课题8项,中国科学院知识创新工程项目重大项目课题1项以及中科院、工程院和水利部联合资助项目1项。
1. Zhang Bin, Huan Deng, Hui-li Wang, Rui Yin, Paul D. Hallett, Bryan S. Griffiths, Tim J. Daniell. 2010. Does microbial habitat or community structure drive the functional resilience of microbes to stress in severely degraded soils restored with different plant species? Soil Biology and Biochemistry 42: 850-859.
2. Viliam Novák, ?ubomír Lichner, Bin Zhang & Karol Kňava1. 2009. The impact of heating on the hydraulic properties of soils sampled under different plant cover. Biologia 64:483-486.
3. Liu M.Q., F. Hu, X.Y. Chen, Q.R. Huang, J.G. Jiao, B. Zhang, H.X. Li. 2009. Organic amendments with reduced chemical fertilizer promote soil microbial development and nutrient availability in a subtropical paddy field: The influence of quantity, type and application time of organic amendments. Applied Soil Ecology 42: 166-175.
4. Zhong Wenhui, Ting Gu,Wei Wang, Bin Zhang, Xiangui Lin, Qianru Huang and Weishou Shen 2010. The effects of mineral fertilizer and organic manure on soil microbial community and diversity. Plant and Soil 326:511–522. DOI 10.1007/s11104-009-9988-y
5. Deng Huan, Bin Zhang, Rui Yin, Hui-li Wang, Susan M. Mitchell, Bryan S. Griffiths, Timothy John Daniell. 2010. Long-term effect of re-vegetation on the microbial community of a severely eroded soil in sub-tropical China. Plant and Soil 328:447–458. DOI 10.1007/s11104-009-0124-9.
6. Yao Shuihong, Jiangtao Qin, Xinhua Peng, Bin Zhang*. 2009. The effects of vegetation on restoration of physical stability of a severely degraded soil in China. Ecological Engineering. 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2008.11.008. 35: 723-734.
7. Bi Lidong, Bin Zhang*, Zuzhang Li, Yiren Liu, Chuan Ye, Xichu Yu, Tao Lai, Jiguang Zhang, Jianmin Yin, Ying Liang. 2009. Long-term effects of organic amendments on the rice yields for double rice cropping systems in subtropical China. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment. 129: 534-541.
8. Liu Yanli, Bin Zhang*, Chengliang Li, Feng Hu, B. Velde. 2008. Long-Term Fertilization Influences on Ammonium Adsorption by Soil Organic Carbon and Clay Minerals in a Rice Paddy Soil. Soil Science Society of America Journal 72:1580-1590.
9. Bin Zhang, Gangya Zhang, Paul D. Hallett. 2008. Increase in the fracture toughness and bond energy of kaolinite by a model plant-root exudates. European Journal of Soil Science. 59: 855-862.
10. Tang Jialiang, Bin Zhang*, Chao Gao, H. Zepp. 2008. Hydrological pathway and source area of nutrient losses identified by a multi-scale monitoring in an agricultural catchment. Catena. 72: 374–385.
11. Jing Yuan-shu, Bin Zhang*, A. Thimm, H. Zepp. 2008. Hydraulic properties of surface soils vary in three dimensions and along slopes. Pedosphere 18:353-362.
12. Lennartz* B., R. Horn, R. Duttmann, H.H. Gerke, R. Tippko¨ tter, T. Eickhorst, I. Janssen, M. Janssen, B. Ruth, T. Sander, Xuezheng Shi, K. Sumfleth, H. Taubner, Bin Zhang. 2009. Ecological safe management of terraced rice paddy landscapes. Soil & Tillage Research. 179-192.
13. Tang Jia-Liang, Bin Zhang, Harald Zepp. 2007. Estimation of irrigation flow by hydrograph analysis in a complex agricultural catchment in subtropical China. Hydrological Processes. 21: 1280-1288.
14. Zhang Bin*, Shui-Hong. Yao, Feng Hu. 2007. Microbial biomass and soil wettibility as affected by drying intensity and wetting and drying cycles during straw decomposition. European Journal of Soil Science 58: 1482–1492.
15. Linhong Wei, Mingzhu Wang, Bin Zhang*. 2007. Effects of antecedent soil moisture on runoff and soil erosion in alley cropping systems. Agricultural Water Management 94: 54-62.
16. Li Jiangtao, Bin Zhang*. 2007. Paddy Soil Stability and mechanical properties due to long-term application of chemical fertilizer and animal manure in Subtropical China. Pedosphere 17: 568-579.
17. Qin Jiangtao, Feng Hu, Bin Zhang. 2006. Role of straw mulching in non-continuously flooded rice cultivation. Agriculture Water Management 83: 252-260.
18. Zhang Bin*, Xin-Hua Peng. 2006. Soil organic matter enrichment and aggregate stabilization in a severely degraded ultisol after reforestation. Pedosphere 16: 699-706.
19. Zhang Bin*, R. Horn, P.D. Hallett. 2005. Mechanical resilience of degraded soil amended with organic matter. Soil Science Society of America Journal 69: 864-871.
20. Zhang Bin*, Xinhua Peng, P.D Hallett. 2004. Eluviation of dissolved organic carbon under wetting and drying and its influence on water infiltration in degraded soils restored with vegetation. European Journal of Soil Science 55: 725-737.
21. Peng Xinhua, R. Horn, Bin Zhang*, Qiguo Zhao. 2004. Mechanisms of soil vulnerability to compaction of homogenized and recompacted Ultisols. Soil & Tillage Research 76: 125-137.
22. Zhang Bin*, Yansheng Yang, H. Zepp. 2004. Effect of vegetation restoration on runoff, soil erosion and nutrient loss of a severely eroded clayey Plinthudult in South-eastern China. Catena 57: 77-90.
23. Griffiths B. S, Qin Liu, Huili Wang, Bin Zhang, H.L Kuan, B.M, McKenzie, P. D Hallett, R. Neilson, T.J Daniell. 2008. Restoration of soil physical and biological stability are not coupled in response to plants and earthworms. Ecological Restoration. 26:102-104.
24. Deng Jiancai, Xin Jiang, Xin Lu, Guifen Yu, Fang Wang, Bin Zhang. 2007. Atrazine adsorption behaviour on a fluvo-aquic soil as influenced by contact periods. Pedosphere 17: 786-791.
25. Peng Xinhua, Bin Zhang*, Qiguo Zhao, R. Horn. 2005. Soil strength characteristics along an arable eroded slope. Pedosphere 15: 739-745.
26. Zepp H., Jialiang Tang, Bin Zhang. 2005. A methodological framework for a multi -scale study on hydrological processes and soil erosion in subtropical SE-China. Pedosphere 15: 695-706.
27. Peng Xinhua, Bin Zhang*, Qiguo Zhao, R. Horn and P.D. Hallett. 2003. Influence of types of restorative vegetation on the wetting properties of aggregates in a degraded clayey Ultisol in subtropical China. Geoderma 115: 313-324.
28. Zepp, H., Bin Zhang, A. Thimm, A., Yunashu Jing, and Chao Gao. 2002. Physische Geographie und Nachhaltigkeit. Landschafts?kologische Untersuchungen im subtropischen China. – Geographie heute 200: 16-19.
29. Zhang Bin*, R. Horn. 2001. Mechanisms of aggregate stabilization of Ultisols from subtropical China. Geoderma 99:123-145.
30. Zhang Bin*, R. Horn, T. Baumgartl. 2001. Changes in penetration resistance of Ultisols from southern China as affected by shearing. Soil & Tillage Research 57:193-202.
31. Zhang Bin*. R. Horn, Q.G. Zhao, R. Horn, T. Baumgartl. 2001. Shear strength of surface soil as affected by soil bulk density and soil water. Soil & Tillage Research 59:97-106.
32. Zhang Bin*; Guozhi Gao, Taolin Zhang. 1997. Determination of Water Content in Clayey Red Soil Using Techniques Based on Measurement of Dielectric Constant. Pedosphere 7: 149-154.
33. Zhang Bin*, Taolin Zhang, Qiguo Zhao. 1996. Soil erosion of various farming systems in Subtropical China. Pedosphere 6: 225-234.
电话:010- 8210 6719
传真:010 -8210 6225
先后主持和参加各类国家和国际合作项目32项目。包括主持国家基金委面上基金4项和重大国际合作项目课题1项,国家科技部“863”重大项目课题1项,“973”项目课题1项,支撑项目课题1项,国家基金委中德中心中德土壤与环境联合实验室、欧盟项目(FP7, Asia-Link)、德国科学基金会(DFG)、英国皇家协会(RS)、国际原子能结构(IAEA)、国国际科学基金(IFS)等国际合作课题8项,中国科学院知识创新工程项目重大项目课题1项以及中科院、工程院和水利部联合资助项目1项。
1. Zhang Bin, Huan Deng, Hui-li Wang, Rui Yin, Paul D. Hallett, Bryan S. Griffiths, Tim J. Daniell. 2010. Does microbial habitat or community structure drive the functional resilience of microbes to stress in severely degraded soils restored with different plant species? Soil Biology and Biochemistry 42: 850-859.
2. Viliam Novák, ?ubomír Lichner, Bin Zhang & Karol Kňava1. 2009. The impact of heating on the hydraulic properties of soils sampled under different plant cover. Biologia 64:483-486.
3. Liu M.Q., F. Hu, X.Y. Chen, Q.R. Huang, J.G. Jiao, B. Zhang, H.X. Li. 2009. Organic amendments with reduced chemical fertilizer promote soil microbial development and nutrient availability in a subtropical paddy field: The influence of quantity, type and application time of organic amendments. Applied Soil Ecology 42: 166-175.
4. Zhong Wenhui, Ting Gu,Wei Wang, Bin Zhang, Xiangui Lin, Qianru Huang and Weishou Shen 2010. The effects of mineral fertilizer and organic manure on soil microbial community and diversity. Plant and Soil 326:511–522. DOI 10.1007/s11104-009-9988-y
5. Deng Huan, Bin Zhang, Rui Yin, Hui-li Wang, Susan M. Mitchell, Bryan S. Griffiths, Timothy John Daniell. 2010. Long-term effect of re-vegetation on the microbial community of a severely eroded soil in sub-tropical China. Plant and Soil 328:447–458. DOI 10.1007/s11104-009-0124-9.
6. Yao Shuihong, Jiangtao Qin, Xinhua Peng, Bin Zhang*. 2009. The effects of vegetation on restoration of physical stability of a severely degraded soil in China. Ecological Engineering. 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2008.11.008. 35: 723-734.
7. Bi Lidong, Bin Zhang*, Zuzhang Li, Yiren Liu, Chuan Ye, Xichu Yu, Tao Lai, Jiguang Zhang, Jianmin Yin, Ying Liang. 2009. Long-term effects of organic amendments on the rice yields for double rice cropping systems in subtropical China. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment. 129: 534-541.
8. Liu Yanli, Bin Zhang*, Chengliang Li, Feng Hu, B. Velde. 2008. Long-Term Fertilization Influences on Ammonium Adsorption by Soil Organic Carbon and Clay Minerals in a Rice Paddy Soil. Soil Science Society of America Journal 72:1580-1590.
9. Bin Zhang, Gangya Zhang, Paul D. Hallett. 2008. Increase in the fracture toughness and bond energy of kaolinite by a model plant-root exudates. European Journal of Soil Science. 59: 855-862.
10. Tang Jialiang, Bin Zhang*, Chao Gao, H. Zepp. 2008. Hydrological pathway and source area of nutrient losses identified by a multi-scale monitoring in an agricultural catchment. Catena. 72: 374–385.
11. Jing Yuan-shu, Bin Zhang*, A. Thimm, H. Zepp. 2008. Hydraulic properties of surface soils vary in three dimensions and along slopes. Pedosphere 18:353-362.
12. Lennartz* B., R. Horn, R. Duttmann, H.H. Gerke, R. Tippko¨ tter, T. Eickhorst, I. Janssen, M. Janssen, B. Ruth, T. Sander, Xuezheng Shi, K. Sumfleth, H. Taubner, Bin Zhang. 2009. Ecological safe management of terraced rice paddy landscapes. Soil & Tillage Research. 179-192.
13. Tang Jia-Liang, Bin Zhang, Harald Zepp. 2007. Estimation of irrigation flow by hydrograph analysis in a complex agricultural catchment in subtropical China. Hydrological Processes. 21: 1280-1288.
14. Zhang Bin*, Shui-Hong. Yao, Feng Hu. 2007. Microbial biomass and soil wettibility as affected by drying intensity and wetting and drying cycles during straw decomposition. European Journal of Soil Science 58: 1482–1492.
15. Linhong Wei, Mingzhu Wang, Bin Zhang*. 2007. Effects of antecedent soil moisture on runoff and soil erosion in alley cropping systems. Agricultural Water Management 94: 54-62.
16. Li Jiangtao, Bin Zhang*. 2007. Paddy Soil Stability and mechanical properties due to long-term application of chemical fertilizer and animal manure in Subtropical China. Pedosphere 17: 568-579.
17. Qin Jiangtao, Feng Hu, Bin Zhang. 2006. Role of straw mulching in non-continuously flooded rice cultivation. Agriculture Water Management 83: 252-260.
18. Zhang Bin*, Xin-Hua Peng. 2006. Soil organic matter enrichment and aggregate stabilization in a severely degraded ultisol after reforestation. Pedosphere 16: 699-706.
19. Zhang Bin*, R. Horn, P.D. Hallett. 2005. Mechanical resilience of degraded soil amended with organic matter. Soil Science Society of America Journal 69: 864-871.
20. Zhang Bin*, Xinhua Peng, P.D Hallett. 2004. Eluviation of dissolved organic carbon under wetting and drying and its influence on water infiltration in degraded soils restored with vegetation. European Journal of Soil Science 55: 725-737.
21. Peng Xinhua, R. Horn, Bin Zhang*, Qiguo Zhao. 2004. Mechanisms of soil vulnerability to compaction of homogenized and recompacted Ultisols. Soil & Tillage Research 76: 125-137.
22. Zhang Bin*, Yansheng Yang, H. Zepp. 2004. Effect of vegetation restoration on runoff, soil erosion and nutrient loss of a severely eroded clayey Plinthudult in South-eastern China. Catena 57: 77-90.
23. Griffiths B. S, Qin Liu, Huili Wang, Bin Zhang, H.L Kuan, B.M, McKenzie, P. D Hallett, R. Neilson, T.J Daniell. 2008. Restoration of soil physical and biological stability are not coupled in response to plants and earthworms. Ecological Restoration. 26:102-104.
24. Deng Jiancai, Xin Jiang, Xin Lu, Guifen Yu, Fang Wang, Bin Zhang. 2007. Atrazine adsorption behaviour on a fluvo-aquic soil as influenced by contact periods. Pedosphere 17: 786-791.
25. Peng Xinhua, Bin Zhang*, Qiguo Zhao, R. Horn. 2005. Soil strength characteristics along an arable eroded slope. Pedosphere 15: 739-745.
26. Zepp H., Jialiang Tang, Bin Zhang. 2005. A methodological framework for a multi -scale study on hydrological processes and soil erosion in subtropical SE-China. Pedosphere 15: 695-706.
27. Peng Xinhua, Bin Zhang*, Qiguo Zhao, R. Horn and P.D. Hallett. 2003. Influence of types of restorative vegetation on the wetting properties of aggregates in a degraded clayey Ultisol in subtropical China. Geoderma 115: 313-324.
28. Zepp, H., Bin Zhang, A. Thimm, A., Yunashu Jing, and Chao Gao. 2002. Physische Geographie und Nachhaltigkeit. Landschafts?kologische Untersuchungen im subtropischen China. – Geographie heute 200: 16-19.
29. Zhang Bin*, R. Horn. 2001. Mechanisms of aggregate stabilization of Ultisols from subtropical China. Geoderma 99:123-145.
30. Zhang Bin*, R. Horn, T. Baumgartl. 2001. Changes in penetration resistance of Ultisols from southern China as affected by shearing. Soil & Tillage Research 57:193-202.
31. Zhang Bin*. R. Horn, Q.G. Zhao, R. Horn, T. Baumgartl. 2001. Shear strength of surface soil as affected by soil bulk density and soil water. Soil & Tillage Research 59:97-106.
32. Zhang Bin*; Guozhi Gao, Taolin Zhang. 1997. Determination of Water Content in Clayey Red Soil Using Techniques Based on Measurement of Dielectric Constant. Pedosphere 7: 149-154.
33. Zhang Bin*, Taolin Zhang, Qiguo Zhao. 1996. Soil erosion of various farming systems in Subtropical China. Pedosphere 6: 225-234.
电话:010- 8210 6719
传真:010 -8210 6225