
主要从事转基因水稻环境安全评价技术,植物功能基因等方面的研究。主持完成国家自然科学基金项目,国家863计划项目和转基因重大专项等多项研究,现主持转基因生物新品种培育科技重大专项课题“转基因水稻环境安全评价技术”等项研究。 发表科研论文40多篇,其中SCI论文10篇。
1.ZongXiang Chen, FuLi Li, SongNan Yang, YiBo Dong, QianHua Yuan,Feng Wang, WeiMin Li, ShiRong Jia, XinWu Pei*. 2013. Identification and Functional Analysis of Flowering Related microRNAs in Common Wild Rice (Oryza rufipogon Griff.) . PLoS One. In press.
2.Dong YB, Cheng ZX, Pei XW*, Yuan QH, Wang F, Jia SR, Peng YF*. 2013. Molecular evolution of the OsGI intron and the association with a phenotype in Oryza rufipogon Griff. and Oryza sativa L. Genetics and Molecular Research. In press.
3.Yibo Dong, Xinwu Pei*, Qianhua Yuan, Feng Wang, Hongjin Wu, Shirong Jia, Yufa Peng*, 2012. Genetic differentiation of Oryza ruffipogon Griff. from Hainan Island and Guangdong, China Based on Hd1 and Ehd1 genes, Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 45: 224-236
4.Yongqiang Zhang, Xinwu Pei, Chao Zhang, Zifeng Lu, Zhixing Wang, Shirong Jia, Weimin Li*, 2012. De Novo Foliar Transcriptome of Chenopodium amaranticolor and Analysis of Its Gene Expression During Virus-Induced Hypersensitive Response. PLoS One.7(9): e45953
5.Zhang C, Pei XW, Wang ZX, Jia SR , Guo SW, Zhang YQ, Li WM*,2012. The Rice stripe virus pc4 functions in movement and foliar necrosis expression in Nicotiana benthamiana. Virology.113-121
6.Dong Yibo, Pei Xinwu*, Yuan Qianhua, Wu Hongjin, Wang Xujing, Jia Shirong, Peng Yufa*. 2010. Ecological, morphological and genetic diversity in Oryza rufipogon Griff. (Poaceae) from Hainan Island, China. Genetic resources and crop evolution. 57:915-926.
7.Pei Xinwu, Shenjun Li, Yongqiang Zhang, Zhixing Wang, Shirong Jia*, 2007. Isolation, characterization and phylogenetic analysis of the resistance gene analogues (RGAs) in banana (Musa spp.). Plant Science. 172 (6): 1166- 1174.
8.Li SJ, Wen RM, Jia SR,Pei XW*. 2007. Creation of transgenic bananas harbouring GbSGT1gene with agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Progress in nature science. 17(10): 1241-1243
主要从事转基因水稻环境安全评价技术,植物功能基因等方面的研究。主持完成国家自然科学基金项目,国家863计划项目和转基因重大专项等多项研究,现主持转基因生物新品种培育科技重大专项课题“转基因水稻环境安全评价技术”等项研究。 发表科研论文40多篇,其中SCI论文10篇。
1.ZongXiang Chen, FuLi Li, SongNan Yang, YiBo Dong, QianHua Yuan,Feng Wang, WeiMin Li, ShiRong Jia, XinWu Pei*. 2013. Identification and Functional Analysis of Flowering Related microRNAs in Common Wild Rice (Oryza rufipogon Griff.) . PLoS One. In press.
2.Dong YB, Cheng ZX, Pei XW*, Yuan QH, Wang F, Jia SR, Peng YF*. 2013. Molecular evolution of the OsGI intron and the association with a phenotype in Oryza rufipogon Griff. and Oryza sativa L. Genetics and Molecular Research. In press.
3.Yibo Dong, Xinwu Pei*, Qianhua Yuan, Feng Wang, Hongjin Wu, Shirong Jia, Yufa Peng*, 2012. Genetic differentiation of Oryza ruffipogon Griff. from Hainan Island and Guangdong, China Based on Hd1 and Ehd1 genes, Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 45: 224-236
4.Yongqiang Zhang, Xinwu Pei, Chao Zhang, Zifeng Lu, Zhixing Wang, Shirong Jia, Weimin Li*, 2012. De Novo Foliar Transcriptome of Chenopodium amaranticolor and Analysis of Its Gene Expression During Virus-Induced Hypersensitive Response. PLoS One.7(9): e45953
5.Zhang C, Pei XW, Wang ZX, Jia SR , Guo SW, Zhang YQ, Li WM*,2012. The Rice stripe virus pc4 functions in movement and foliar necrosis expression in Nicotiana benthamiana. Virology.113-121
6.Dong Yibo, Pei Xinwu*, Yuan Qianhua, Wu Hongjin, Wang Xujing, Jia Shirong, Peng Yufa*. 2010. Ecological, morphological and genetic diversity in Oryza rufipogon Griff. (Poaceae) from Hainan Island, China. Genetic resources and crop evolution. 57:915-926.
7.Pei Xinwu, Shenjun Li, Yongqiang Zhang, Zhixing Wang, Shirong Jia*, 2007. Isolation, characterization and phylogenetic analysis of the resistance gene analogues (RGAs) in banana (Musa spp.). Plant Science. 172 (6): 1166- 1174.
8.Li SJ, Wen RM, Jia SR,Pei XW*. 2007. Creation of transgenic bananas harbouring GbSGT1gene with agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Progress in nature science. 17(10): 1241-1243