
1. Che L *, Wang K *, Tang D, Liu Q, Chen X, Li Y, Hu Q, Shen Y, Yu H, Gu M, and Cheng Z (2014). OsHUS1 facilitates accurate meiotic recombination in rice. PLoS Genet. 6. e1004405 (*同等贡献)
2. Wu X, Tang D, Li M, Wang K, Cheng Z (2013). Loose plant architecture 1, an INDETERMINATE domain protein involved in shoot gravitropism, regulates plant architecture in rice. Plant Physiology. 161, 317-329.
3. Luo Q, Tang D, Wang M, Luo WX, Zhang L, Qin B, Shen Y, Wang K, Li Y, Cheng Z (2013). The role of OsMSH5 in crossover formation during rice meiosis. Molecular Plant. 6, 729-742.
4. Ji J., Tang D, Wang M., Li Y., Zhang L, Wang K., Li M., and Cheng Z. (2013). MRE11 is required for homologous synapsis and DSB processing in rice meiosis. Chromosoma. 122, 363-376.
5. Wang K., Wang M., Tang D., Shen Y, Cheng Z. (2012). The role of HEI10 in crossover formation in rice. PLoS Genet. 8, e1002809.
6. Hong, L., Tang, D., Zhu, K., Wang K., Li, M., and Cheng, Z. (2012). Somatic and Reproductive Cell Development in Rice Anther Is Regulated by a Putative Glutaredoxin. Plant Cell. 24, 577-588.
7. Wang M, Tang D, Luo Q, Jin Y, Shen Y, Wang K, Cheng ZK (2012). BRK1, a Bub1-related kinase, is essential for generating proper tension between homologous kinetochores at metaphase I of rice meiosis. Plant Cell. 24, 4961-4973.
8. Ji, J., Tang D, Wang K., Wang M., Che L, Li M, Cheng Z. (2012) The role of OsCOM1 in homologous chromosome synapsis and recombination in rice meiosis. Plant J. 72, 18-30.
9. Shen, Y., Tang D., Wang K., Wang M., Huang J., Luo W., Luo Q., Hong L., Li M., Cheng, Z. (2012) The Role of ZIP4 in Homologous Chromosome Synapsis and Crossover Formation in Rice Meiosis. J Cell Sci. 125, 2581-2591.
10. Hong, L., Qian, Q., Tang, D., Wang K., Li, M., and Cheng, Z. (2012). A mutation in the rice chalcone isomerase gene causes the golden hull and internode 1 phenotype. Planta. 236, 141-151.
11. Hong, L., Tang, D., Shen, Y., Hu, Q., Wang K., Li, M., Lu, T., and Cheng, Z. (2012). MIL2 (MICROSPORELESS2) regulates early cell differentiation in the rice anther. New Phytol. 196, 402-413.
12. Wang K., Wang M., Tang, D., Shen, Y., Qin, B., Li, M., and Cheng, Z. (2011). PAIR3, an axis-associated protein, is essential for the recruitment of recombination elements onto meiotic chromosomes in rice. Mol Biol Cell. 22, 12-19.
13. Che, L., Tang, D., Wang K., Wang M., Zhu, K., Yu, H., Gu, M., and Cheng, Z. (2011). OsAM1 is required for leptotene-zygotene transition in rice. Cell Res. 21, 654-665.
14. Shao, T., Tang, D., Wang K., Wang M., Che, L., Qin, B., Yu, H., Li, M., Gu, M., and Cheng, Z. (2011). OsREC8 is essential for chromatid cohesion and metaphase I monopolar orientation in rice meiosis. Plant Physiol. 156, 1386-1396.
15. Wang M., Tang, D., Wang K., Shen, Y., Qin, B., Miao, C., Li, M., and Cheng, Z. (2011). OsSGO1 maintains synaptonemal complex stabilization in addition to protecting centromeric cohesion during rice meiosis. Plant J. 67, 583-594.
16. Li, M., Tang, D., Wang K., Wu, X., Lu, L., Yu, H., Gu, M., Yan, C., and Cheng, Z. (2011). Mutations in the F-box gene LARGER PANICLE improve the panicle architecture and enhance the grain yield in rice. Plant Biotechnol J. 9, 1002-1013.
17. Qin, B.X., Tang, D., Huang, J., Li, M., Wu, X.R., Lu, L.L., Wang K., Yu, H.X., Chen, J.M., Gu, M.H., et al. (2011). Rice OsGL1-1 is involved in leaf cuticular wax and cuticle membrane. Mol Plant. 4, 985-995.
18. Wang K, Tang D, Hong L, Xu W, Huang J, Li M, Gu M, Xue Y, Cheng Z (2010) DEP and AFO regulate reproductive habit in rice. PLoS Genet. 6, e1000818.(封面故事)
19. Wang M, Wang K, Tang D, Wei C, Li M, Shen Y, Chi Z, Gu M, Cheng Z (2010) The Central Element Protein ZEP1 of the Synaptonemal Complex Regulates the Number of Crossovers during Meiosis in Rice. Plant Cell. 22, 417-430.
20. Yu, H., Wang M., Tang, D., Wang K., Chen, F., Gong, Z., Gu, M., and Cheng, Z. (2010). OsSPO11-1 is essential for both homologous chromosome pairing and crossover formation in rice. Chromosoma. 119, 625-636.
21. Wang K, Tang D, Wang M, Lu J, Yu H, Liu J, Qian B, Gong Z, Wang X, Chen J, et al. (2009) MER3 is required for normal meiotic crossover formation, but not for presynaptic alignment in rice. J Cell Sci. 122, 2055-2063.
通讯地址:浙江省杭州市体育场路359号 中国水稻研究所 310006
电 话:0571-63370202
1. Che L *, Wang K *, Tang D, Liu Q, Chen X, Li Y, Hu Q, Shen Y, Yu H, Gu M, and Cheng Z (2014). OsHUS1 facilitates accurate meiotic recombination in rice. PLoS Genet. 6. e1004405 (*同等贡献)
2. Wu X, Tang D, Li M, Wang K, Cheng Z (2013). Loose plant architecture 1, an INDETERMINATE domain protein involved in shoot gravitropism, regulates plant architecture in rice. Plant Physiology. 161, 317-329.
3. Luo Q, Tang D, Wang M, Luo WX, Zhang L, Qin B, Shen Y, Wang K, Li Y, Cheng Z (2013). The role of OsMSH5 in crossover formation during rice meiosis. Molecular Plant. 6, 729-742.
4. Ji J., Tang D, Wang M., Li Y., Zhang L, Wang K., Li M., and Cheng Z. (2013). MRE11 is required for homologous synapsis and DSB processing in rice meiosis. Chromosoma. 122, 363-376.
5. Wang K., Wang M., Tang D., Shen Y, Cheng Z. (2012). The role of HEI10 in crossover formation in rice. PLoS Genet. 8, e1002809.
6. Hong, L., Tang, D., Zhu, K., Wang K., Li, M., and Cheng, Z. (2012). Somatic and Reproductive Cell Development in Rice Anther Is Regulated by a Putative Glutaredoxin. Plant Cell. 24, 577-588.
7. Wang M, Tang D, Luo Q, Jin Y, Shen Y, Wang K, Cheng ZK (2012). BRK1, a Bub1-related kinase, is essential for generating proper tension between homologous kinetochores at metaphase I of rice meiosis. Plant Cell. 24, 4961-4973.
8. Ji, J., Tang D, Wang K., Wang M., Che L, Li M, Cheng Z. (2012) The role of OsCOM1 in homologous chromosome synapsis and recombination in rice meiosis. Plant J. 72, 18-30.
9. Shen, Y., Tang D., Wang K., Wang M., Huang J., Luo W., Luo Q., Hong L., Li M., Cheng, Z. (2012) The Role of ZIP4 in Homologous Chromosome Synapsis and Crossover Formation in Rice Meiosis. J Cell Sci. 125, 2581-2591.
10. Hong, L., Qian, Q., Tang, D., Wang K., Li, M., and Cheng, Z. (2012). A mutation in the rice chalcone isomerase gene causes the golden hull and internode 1 phenotype. Planta. 236, 141-151.
11. Hong, L., Tang, D., Shen, Y., Hu, Q., Wang K., Li, M., Lu, T., and Cheng, Z. (2012). MIL2 (MICROSPORELESS2) regulates early cell differentiation in the rice anther. New Phytol. 196, 402-413.
12. Wang K., Wang M., Tang, D., Shen, Y., Qin, B., Li, M., and Cheng, Z. (2011). PAIR3, an axis-associated protein, is essential for the recruitment of recombination elements onto meiotic chromosomes in rice. Mol Biol Cell. 22, 12-19.
13. Che, L., Tang, D., Wang K., Wang M., Zhu, K., Yu, H., Gu, M., and Cheng, Z. (2011). OsAM1 is required for leptotene-zygotene transition in rice. Cell Res. 21, 654-665.
14. Shao, T., Tang, D., Wang K., Wang M., Che, L., Qin, B., Yu, H., Li, M., Gu, M., and Cheng, Z. (2011). OsREC8 is essential for chromatid cohesion and metaphase I monopolar orientation in rice meiosis. Plant Physiol. 156, 1386-1396.
15. Wang M., Tang, D., Wang K., Shen, Y., Qin, B., Miao, C., Li, M., and Cheng, Z. (2011). OsSGO1 maintains synaptonemal complex stabilization in addition to protecting centromeric cohesion during rice meiosis. Plant J. 67, 583-594.
16. Li, M., Tang, D., Wang K., Wu, X., Lu, L., Yu, H., Gu, M., Yan, C., and Cheng, Z. (2011). Mutations in the F-box gene LARGER PANICLE improve the panicle architecture and enhance the grain yield in rice. Plant Biotechnol J. 9, 1002-1013.
17. Qin, B.X., Tang, D., Huang, J., Li, M., Wu, X.R., Lu, L.L., Wang K., Yu, H.X., Chen, J.M., Gu, M.H., et al. (2011). Rice OsGL1-1 is involved in leaf cuticular wax and cuticle membrane. Mol Plant. 4, 985-995.
18. Wang K, Tang D, Hong L, Xu W, Huang J, Li M, Gu M, Xue Y, Cheng Z (2010) DEP and AFO regulate reproductive habit in rice. PLoS Genet. 6, e1000818.(封面故事)
19. Wang M, Wang K, Tang D, Wei C, Li M, Shen Y, Chi Z, Gu M, Cheng Z (2010) The Central Element Protein ZEP1 of the Synaptonemal Complex Regulates the Number of Crossovers during Meiosis in Rice. Plant Cell. 22, 417-430.
20. Yu, H., Wang M., Tang, D., Wang K., Chen, F., Gong, Z., Gu, M., and Cheng, Z. (2010). OsSPO11-1 is essential for both homologous chromosome pairing and crossover formation in rice. Chromosoma. 119, 625-636.
21. Wang K, Tang D, Wang M, Lu J, Yu H, Liu J, Qian B, Gong Z, Wang X, Chen J, et al. (2009) MER3 is required for normal meiotic crossover formation, but not for presynaptic alignment in rice. J Cell Sci. 122, 2055-2063.
通讯地址:浙江省杭州市体育场路359号 中国水稻研究所 310006
电 话:0571-63370202